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Main » Articles » Poetry » Skeevan/Namesh

A Letter
I don’t know how to explain what I feel for you
And when I try, stuttered mumbles are all that come thru
It’s frustrating trying to turn my heart into words
Especially when my love is dying to be heard
I’ve never met a woman as amazing as you
Who can turn my legs to putty and hold my heart with glue
Every night, I fall asleep to dream
And visions of you are all that is seen
I awake each morning with cheer in my soul and a smile on my face
Because I just kissed you goodbye as we left our happy place
I dream of your beauty, your smile, your voice
I dream of your love, your touch, and my choice
A choice I made the first day we “met”
To open my heart once more and let you in it
It’s a choice that’s left me with but one regret
And that is that you’re not in my arms yet
I long to hold you and feel the brush of your skin
As it teases mine and leaves me longing for your caress again
I yearn for the day when we can start our bliss
And seal our loving future with the act of a simple kiss
But don’t think that my kisses are just an act
Because each kiss is from my heart, where all your kisses are at
All these things I want and more
And we’ll both have them when I’m standing at your door
But for now, I’ll curl up and sleep alone
To dream again of the angel who knows
How to translate what my heart wants to say
Even though it speaks it in its own unique way
So don’t ever think that you’re not on my mind
Because even in dreams, I think about you all the time
Now as I lay my head down to dream of you, my dove
I blow a kiss to the wind and utter whispered words of love
In my minds eye, you kissed me too
And heard me whisper the words “I love you”

Love always,
Your Dreamer
Category: Skeevan/Namesh | Added by: Namesh (07 December 11) | Author: Steven Everett Wardlaw
Views: 302 | Rating: 0.0/0
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