Friends come and go as the years pass on by, Some staying for a long time while others are quick to leave. There are several who will bring you great memories, While others will bring you nothing but heartach and tears. In all of my years i have came across many people in my life, Some have brought me wisdom, support, and good laughs. The truest friend however that i have found on my journey, Are the ones who stand by no matter what you go through. It will be the ones who grab your hand when you fall, Helping you to keep standing with lifes evil throws. They are the ones who can give you a smile in a storm, Keep you afloat when you feel as if your going to drown. They are the ones who will look past faults and keep moving, Knowing that noone is perfect and life will still go on. I am blessed to have such friends that have crossed my path, Held on for years regardless of where life has taken us.