Hidden in the dark, A shadow for none to see, The shunned love, Of which should never be,
Put on a shelf until I'm needed, An item of personal comfort, Used when all else fails, But not something to entirely run with,
Was it a one-time thing for you, Is that how I should feel too, Why can't you show me to all, Are you scared that you'd fall,
How can you kiss me in private, If you won't love me in public, Why are you so reluctant to touch, If you say you love me so much,
I try to look past it, Some mere oversight, But you do it on purpose, If there's another guy,
Is it selfishness, Or is it fear, It's not fair to me, To just sit here,
I love you true, You know I do, And I know, You love me too,
But why am I a secret, Something you can't tell, Why won't you love me, If someone else is here,
I'll just have to learn, To accept it for you, But no matter what, It does hurt too,