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Main » Articles » Poetry » Rayne

Questions that may never be answered
Wishing you were here
Having to hide all my fears
Are you ok?
Did you make it there safe?
Will you return to me?
Can I hope that if you do that you will keep your word?
Will you make me as happy as I hope you will?
How did I fall so hard so fast for someone I barely know?
Can you prove to me that you are the man you have said you will be?
Would you ever hurt me?
How can I trust you when you already have?
What do I know about you to make me want to trust you?
How can I believe that this is not just another ploy to get what you want and leave?
You have told me you will say and do anything to get what you want
Is all you want just me or my sex??
Do you really Love me?
How do you know what Love is?
How can you say that after all that you put me through in such a short time?
Category: Rayne | Added by: Rayne (13 February 10) | Author: Purple Rayne
Views: 324 | Comments: 3 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 3
3 JustEasyMover  
I have to hand it to you, you really hit the nail on the head with your words.

2 Emoetry  
In agreement with EJ here. With any form of trust comes questions such as these, as well as any hurt that stems from giving said trust to someone. As a writer, i can't sit here and critic this, mainly because quite frankly I dont see a darn thing that can be improved upon. This is heartfelt, this is painful, its deep and you can tell as a reader that this comes from deep inside the soul.

My only question to the author would be this....having written this, as raw as it seems to be, did you find any answers after its writing...are things clearer having written it...I do hope so.

1 EJKridom  
I believe we all have those questions at some point in our lives.

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