The only real guidelines I have is that any and all content be respectful in comments towards race, color, nationality, sexual orientation, gender, and age. Do not discriminate or "player hate" against anyone just because they are different, or because you do not like them. On the internet we are all the same, especially when we share our love of poetry and/or stories.
I created this site initially for authors alone. Over the last couple of years I have had a number of people ask me about the possibility of me adding a graphics area. I am currently working on a new module to add where that will be possible just like the author area, or I may jsut add a new category in Amatuer Writers for the artists. At this time you can also post any images into the forums area in the proper section. I want to help people express their inner creativity and share it with the world.
I created this website to allow people to have an outlet for them to express themselves through their writing. As such I welcome all kinds of writings on the site. So long as the guidelines and rules are followed, I have no problem reading and/or allowing any and all types of writings.