Starting on June 1st we will officially
begin the Author of the Quarter. All poems and stories no matter
content will get the Author entered into the running. The details are as
Spring Quarter: March 1st to May 31st
Summer Quarter: June 1st to August 31st
Fall Quarter: September 1st to November 31st
Winter Quarter: December 1st to February 28th
Once the quarter has ended, I will add all Authors who have submitted
at least 1 writing to the site into a poll here, which will remain open
for a period of 2 weeks, allowing all authors and visitors to vote for
who they think was the best Author during the quarter. After the 2 week
period, the poll shall be closed and the top Author chosen shall
receive an award on website naming them the Author of that quarter, also
their name shall go on a plaque image along with all other winners.
Starting June 1st we will also officially be starting the Author of
the Year. All poems and stories no matter content will get the Author
entered into the running. The details are as such:
Calendar Year: January 1st to December 31st
Once the Calendar year has ended, a poll will be opened and remain
open for voting for a period of 4 weeks, allowing all Authors and
visitors to site to vote for who they think is the best Author for that
year. The top chosen Author will receive an award on the website, their
name on the Yearly plaque, along with Special Mention and Showcasing.